Pamela gets a plaque!

Pamela gets a plaque!

Well, it’s been a while coming. Over the last few years, many people from other countries have asked why Pamela Colman Smith, the subject of my book, who died in Bude, has no plaque or indeed any reference to her life in the town. Pamela first moved to Upton...
Pamela Colman Smith reviews:

Pamela Colman Smith reviews:

The reviews are quite an interesting mix, some positive, some less so. It strikes me that people review books based upon their personal preferences and I thank everyone who has taken the time to review my book publicly because it helps others to decide whether it is...
Covid contentment?

Covid contentment?

During the Covid-19 ‘lockdown’, you could say I have been content. I haven’t written much but I have also had no real demands on my time to concern myself with, other than freelance work, of course. ‘Content’ is not a word I usually associate...